Saturday, December 12, 2020

My first post!

Welcome! My name is Leila and I am a World Language Teacher.  I am originally from Argentina and I am Indigenous Wichi.  

I currently teach Spanish to students from Kindergarten to 6th grade at a charter school in California. I love teaching, I love learning and I love learning about teaching!

When I started teaching Spanish I really had NO idea what I was doing!  I started with traditional methods that fell comfortable to me, worksheets, repetition, translating everything to English.  I quickly realized that I needed to do better! Some of it came by instinct, "if I gestured the words we were learning, students would do the same and remember more". Some of it came from practice, "if I speak slower and enunciate the words, my students would comprehend more". A lot of it came from attending workshops, observing classes, and learning from other teachers.

In my second year of teaching my focus was on teaching for Proficiency through Comprehensible Input

For many years I thought about starting a blog as a place to reflect on what I do, how I do it, and from where I draw my inspiration and I'm finally at a place where I think I can do this! I'm excited that you are here and excited to start sharing what's been happening in my classroom!

My first post!

Welcome! My name is Leila and I am a World Language Teacher.  I am originally from Argentina and I am Indigenous Wichi .   I currently teach...